You Shop, They Give
Shopping via the following companies effortlessly supports Silicon Valley Shakespeare at no additional cost to you!
Please consider following the instructions noted on this page to start supporting SVS today.
Giving Assistant
Great discounts, cash back to you, and a percentage support SVS! Check out our page at Giving Assistant to get started.
Want great discounts and coupons while a percentage of your purchases benefit SVS? Visit SVS’ page on GoodShop.
Your purchases at over 1,750 online sites can provide a donation of up to 10% to Silicon Valley Shakespeare at no additional cost to you! Here are the two easy ways to use iGive:
1. From iGive.com, go to the online store you want. You can designate that visit’s purchase to benefit SVS.
2. Install the iGive button to your browser toolbar. Whenever you visit any online store partnered with iGive, your browser automatically gives you a button to activate that site. Then your purchase from that site benefits SVS. No need to start at iGive.com.