10th Annual 48-hour Play Festival: ShakesFear

What happens when Shakespeare’s plays take a horrifying turn?

Romeo and Juliet are star-crossed zombie lovers? A Ghostfaced Hamlet is secretly seeking revenge for his father’s death? Anything can happen in Silicon Valley Shakespeare’s 10TH ANNUAL 48-HOUR PLAY FESTIVAL, co-produced with the Foothill College Theatre Arts Department. Join us when our writers answer the famed question: “What’s your favorite scary movie?”

Teams are assigned and writers draw, at random, a Shakespeare play and a horror element on which to base their script. All teams will also be given a required line of dialogue, prop, and surprise requirement to incorporate into their pieces.

Audiences decide which play is the festival favorite!

April 7, 2024
7 PM

Foothill College
Lohman Theatre
12345 El Monte Road
Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

Laura Domingo • Lauren Doyle • Ross Harkness • Melinda Marks • Doll Piccotto • Erin Southard

Vinh Nguyen • Marley Rose-Teter • John Rutski • Alika Spencer • Liz Stimson • Elyssia Tingley